The IEEE TEMS (Technology and Engineering Management Society) is an IEEE society focusing in engineering and technology management. TEMS serves professionals who work at the intersection of technical and managerial roles, providing resources for innovation, leadership, and strategic thinking in technology-focused business. The society’s mission is to enhance knowledge and skills in managing the processes, resources, and challenges of technology-intensive and engineering-centric projects.

For the 1st time, IEEE TEMS carried out one of its flagship conference in Indonesia. The IEEE TEMS Conference Asia-Pacific (TEMSCON ASPAC) took place in Bali from 25 to 26 September, at the Prama Sanur Beach Hotel. The conference theme, “Achieving Competitiveness in the Age of AI,” focused on the transformative role of AI in modern business and engineering management. The top leaders of the IEEE TEMS, accompanied by scholars, industry leaders, and researchers from around world (beyond only Asia-Pacific region) gathered to discuss topics including updated innovations related to competitiveness, sustainable supply chain management, cybersecurity policies, digital healthcare innovations, and entrepreneurship, etc within the digital ecosystem.

Photo session at the TEMSCON opening ceremony

The conference began with a welcome from Conference Chair Prof. Andy Chen (former IEEE TEMS President and current President-Elect of the IEEE Systems Council). The opening session featured introductory remarks from prominent figures, including Prof. Andrea Balz (current President of IEEE TEMS), and Prof. Imam Baihaqi (Vice Rector of ITS Surabaya).

With Prof Benny Tjahjono and the Coventry University Gang at the TEMSCON opening ceremony

The keynote presentations were delivered by distinguished academics: Prof. Richard Dashwood (Vice-Provost for Research and Enterprise and Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research at Coventry University), Prof. Alexander Brem (Professor and Vice Rector at the University of Stuttgart); and Prof. Anna Tyshetskaya (Vice Rector at Sankt Petersburg University in Russia). After the opening, the conference continued with breaking sessions for research paper presentations.

With Prof Richard Dashwood, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research at Coventry University

The second day of the conference was carried out as an Industry Forum with experts highlighted the challenges and opportunities that AI brings to global competitiveness. The speakers, besides Dr Ravikiran Annaswamy (the Past President of the IEEE TEMS) and Dr Sudeendra Koushik (the President-Elect of the IEEE TEMS), was yours truly. It was surely an honour. The title of my presentation was “Towards Complexity-Based Strategic Management.”

Keynote Speech by Yours Truly at TEMSCON Industry Forum

Following the lunch break, the forum resumed with an engaging panel session on “Accelerating Innovation for a Sustainable Future.” Prof. Marc Schlichtner, (Principal Key Expert at Siemens) served as the speaker, with Prof. Robert Bierwolf (TEMS Board of Governors Member) moderating. The panelists included esteemed leaders in technology and engineering management: Prof. Alexander Brem (Professor and Vice Rector at the University of Stuttgart), Prof. Anna Tyshetskaya (Vice Rector at Sankt Petersburg University in Russia), and yours truly. Truly an honour to share the stage with such distinguished figures.

The conference concluded with a gala dinner that offered a warm and lively networking opportunity for all participants. This included the TEMS Executive Committee, Board of Governors members, and leaders from various universities, fostering valuable connections and camaraderie across the academic and professional communities in attendance.


IEEE TEMS (Technology and Engineering Management Society) adalah society dari IEEE yang berfokus pada bidang manajemen teknologi dan engineering. TEMS melayani para profesional yang lingkup kerjanya meliputi bidang teknologi dan menajemen, termasuk aspek inovasi, kepemimpinan, dan strategi dalam bisnis berbasis teknologi.

Pertama kali dalam sejarah, IEEE TEMS mengadakan flagship conference di Indonesia. IEEE TEMS Conference Asia-Pacific (TEMSCON ASPAC) diselenggarakan di Bali dari tanggal 25 hingga 26 September, bertempat di Prama Sanur Beach Hotel. Tema konferensi ini, “Achieving Competitiveness in the Age of AI,” mengupas peran transformasional AI dalam bisnis modern dan manajemen rekayasa. Para pemimpin IEEE TEMS, bersama akademisi, pemimpin industri, dan peneliti dari berbagai belahan dunia (bukan hanya kawasan Asia-Pasifik saja), berhimpun mengkaji inovasi terbaru terkait daya saing, manajemen rantai pasok yang berkelanjutan, kebijakan keamanan siber, inovasi kesehatan digital, dan kewirausahaan dalam ekosistem digital.


Konferensi dibuka dengan sambutan dari Conference Chair, Prof. Andy Chen (Former Presiden IEEE TEMS dan President-Elect IEEE Systems Council). Sesi pembukaan ini juga diisi dengan kata pengantar dari Prof. Andrea Balz (Presiden IEEE TEMS saat ini) dan Prof. Imam Baihaqi (Wakil Rektor ITS Surabaya).

Bersama Prof Benny Tjahjono dan Tim dari Coventry University di Upacara Pembukaan TEMSCON

Keynote speech dibawakan oleh para akademisi: Prof. Richard Dashwood (Vice-Provost for Research and Enterprise dan Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research di Coventry University), Prof. Alexander Brem (Professor dan Vice Rector di University of Stuttgart), serta Prof. Anna Tyshetskaya (Vice Rector di Sankt Petersburg University, Rusia). Setelah pembukaan, konferensi dilanjutkan dengan sesi pemaparan paper-paper hasil riset.

Bersama Prof Richard Dashwood, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research dari Coventry University

Hari kedua konferensi diadakan berupa Industry Forum, yang menghadirkan para ahli untuk membahas tantangan dan peluang AI bagi daya saing global. Keynote speakers dalam forum ini, selain Dr. Ravikiran Annaswamy (Past President of IEEE TEMS) dan Dr. Sudeendra Koushik (President-Elect of IEEE TEMS), juga aku sendiri. Kehormatan tersendiri. Judul presentasiku adalah “Towards Complexity-Based Strategic Management.”

My Keynote Speech

Setelah jeda siang, forum dilanjutkan dengan sesi panel bertajuk “Accelerating Innovation for a Sustainable Future.” Prof. Marc Schlichtner (Principal Key Expert of Siemens) menjadi pembicara utama, dengan Prof. Robert Bierwolf (anggota TEMS Board of Governors) sebagai moderator. Panel ini juga dihadiri para pemimpin ternama di bidang manajemen teknologi dan rekayasa: Prof. Alexander Brem (Professor dan Vice Rector di University of Stuttgart), Prof. Anna Tyshetskaya (Vice Rector di Sankt Petersburg University, Rusia), serta saya sendiri. Suatu kehormatan lagi buatku untuk bisa satu panggung dengan tokoh-tokoh terkemuka ini.

Panel Diskusi

Konferensi ini ditutup dengan gala dinner yang diisi dengan sesi networking yang hangat dan penuh keakraban bagi seluruh peserta, termasuk anggota TEMS Executive Committee, Board of Governors, dan para pemimpin universitas. Acara ini memperkuat koneksi dan kebersamaan di antara komunitas akademik dan profesional yang hadir.

TEMS Regional Leadership Meeting

TEMS — or the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society — is an IEEE society with a mission to advance, enhance, and improve essential management and leadership knowledge and skills of IEEE members.

The IEEE TEMS Regional Leaders Subcommittee carried out its 1st meeting this year today, with a new team. This meeting was led by Mohamed Aboud, the VP for Membership Development. The TEMS President, Ravikiran Annaswamy, addressed the meeting.

The meeting aims to leverage the program to leverage the TEMS activities in wider areas, and to improve collaborations among TEMS members in engineering management and leadership field. Our field of interest encompasses the management sciences and practices required for defining, implementing, and managing engineering and technology. Specific topics of interest include technology policy development, assessment, and transfer; research; product design and development; manufacturing operations; innovation and entrepreneurship; program and project management; strategy; education and training; organisational development and human behavior; transitioning to management; and the socioeconomic impact of engineering and technology management.