University of Cambridge — Onoto

The University of Cambridge has a rich history that spans more than 800 years. Its origins can be traced back to 1209, when a group of scholars migrated to establish ofa new centre of learning in Cambridge. By 1231, the institution received a charter from King Henry III, which granted it significant privileges. This charter marked the beginning of the university’s official recognition and its rise as a prominent academic institution.

The university is organised into a series of colleges, with the first college, Peterhouse, founded by Hugh de Balsham in 1284. Each college is an independent institution with its own property and income, but all are part of the university, contributing to its rich academic and cultural environment.

The university played a significant role in the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution. Notable alumni include Sir Isaac Newton, who developed the principles of modern physics in the 17th century while at Cambridge. In the 20th and 21st centuries, Cambridge continued to expand and evolve, becoming a globally recognised and respected institution for higher learning and research. It has maintained a strong emphasis on scientific research and innovation, contributing to technological advancements and the development of new fields of study. Today, this university consists of over 30 colleges and numerous academic departments, faculties, and schools. It continues to be a leading centre for education and research, attracting students and scholars from around the world. The university’s commitment to excellence in education, research, and contribution to society remains steadfast, ensuring its place among the top universities globally for years to come.

I have an Onoto fountain pen designed for the University of Cambridge. It is a Magna Black & Gold model with the logo of this university on its crown, and a Trinity College crest; with Au750 F-sized nib. It is my second Onoto after the one designed for Oxford University.

Onoto, a prestigious brand of fountain pens from the United Kingdom, has a rich history and a strong reputation for quality, innovation, and cultural significance. The brand’s journey began in the early 20th century, making it an integral part of the fountain pen industry’s history and development. Its history dates back to 1905 when the brand was established by Thomas De La Rue & Co. The first Onoto pen, the Onoto Patent Self-filling Pen, was launched in 1905 and quickly gained fame for its innovative plunger-filling system, which was a novelty at the time. This filling mechanism allowed for a more straightforward and cleaner way to refill the pen, setting Onoto pens apart from their competitors.

Onoto pens are renowned for their high quality, craftsmanship, and durability. The brand has consistently emphasized the production of pens that are not only functional but also beautiful, often using precious metals, high-quality resins, and intricate designs. Collectors and users of Onoto pens value them for their smooth writing experience, balance, and the tactile pleasure they provide. In the 21st century, Onoto has experienced a revival, appealing to both collectors of vintage pens and enthusiasts of luxury writing instruments. The brand continues to produce limited editions and bespoke pens, often commemorating significant historical and cultural events, further enhancing its cultural significance and appeal to connoisseurs of fine pens.

Agree–Scala Pre-JV Agreement

Agricultural transformation is a great technological and business opportunities with huge challenges and risks, requiring strategic-level collaboration or alliance in aggregating the capabilities, resources, while sharing the business risks that may occur.

Scala, a Japanese digital enterprise aiming to enhance the prosperity of mankind through digital technology development, has requested since last year to be the strategic partner of Telkom Indonesia in developing digital platform-based agricultural business transformation. We have spent months — days and nights — to discuss the aspects of technology development, business arrangement, ecosystem empowerment, etc for this strategic alliance preparation. Today, 1 April 2024, the representative of Scala BOD has signed the Agreement with EVP of Telkom’s Digital Business & Technology.

After the signing, we will follow up the agreement with some piloting (also in Leadership Transformation called the quick-wins) as a foundation for the collaborative transformation framework. We’ll see in the next months.

IMT-GT Strategic Planning 2024

IMT-GT SPM (Strategic Planning Meeting) 2024 is currently carried out in Jakarta, 23–25 March 2024. Leveraging regional economy through digital transformation and ecosystem-based strategy is still the main theme of the discussion. Representing Telkom Indonesia, we put our focus on cross-border MSME products transaction and delivery, expecting to design a pilot with different treatment in custom, logistics, and payment policies & best-practices, to be replicated wider after its initial piloting success.

Some pictures after the meeting on Sunday afernoon:

Yours truly with IMT-GT WGDT Chair
Business wings: The JBC
With MCI (Kemkominfo) Team

Kopi dan Kolesterol

Web ini cukup banyak mengulas efek kopi bagi kesehatan. Namun banyaknya penelitian-penelitian dalam beberapa tahun terakhir mendorong perlunya update pengetahuan atas dampak kopi bagi kesehatan. Serial tulisan ini akan dimulai dengan kolesterol.

Kolesterol tinggi atau hiperkolesterolemia dapat memiliki berbagai akibat negatif pada kesehatan kita. Kolesterol adalah lemak yang penting untuk berbagai fungsi tubuh, tetapi ketika kadar kolesterol dalam darah terlalu tinggi, dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan serius, termasuk penyakit jantung, stroke, aterosklerosis (pembentukan plak lemak dalam pembuluh darah), xanthomas (benjolan kuning di bawah kulit), batu empedu, gagal ginjal, kesehatan mata, hingga kesehatan mental (misalnya alzheimer).

Beberapa penelitian beberapa tahun terakhir tentang korelasi konsumsi kopi dan kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh manusia menghasilkan temuan-temuan berikut:

Altmaier dkk: Konsumsi kopi yang tinggi berkaitan dengan peningkatan kadar kolesterol dalam darah secara keseluruhan.

Ranheim dan Halvorsenr: Kopi rebus mengandung senyawa yang dapat meningkatkan kolesterol, dan dapat meningkatkan risiko penyakit kardiovaskular. Namun, kopi yang disaring tidak mengandung senyawa-senyawa ini dan tidak memiliki efek kardiovaskular yang merugikan; dan bahkan mungkin memberikan manfaat perlindungan terhadap diabetes mellitus tipe 2.

Wierzejska: Konsumsi setidaknya 3 cangkir kopi per hari dapat mengurangi risiko berbagai penyakit, termasuk diabetes tipe 2 dan penyakit kardiovaskular. Bagi penderita dislipidemia, disarankan kopi yang disaring karena mengandung lebih sedikit diterpen yang dapat meningkatkan kolesterol.

Halvorsen dkk: Senyawa cafestol yang ditemukan dalam kopi telah terbukti dapat mengurangi penyerapan kolesterol lipoprotein densitas rendah (LDL) dan mengurangi jumlah reseptor LDL dalam fibroblas kulit manusia, menunjukkan dampak negatif potensial pada kadar kolesterol.

Talebi dkk: Konsumsi kopi, dikombinasikan dengan program latihan di rumah, secara signifikan meningkatkan profil lipid darah pada pria paruh baya yang tidak aktif, termasuk penurunan kadar kolesterol LDL, kolesterol total, dan trigliserida, serta peningkatan kolesterol lipoprotein densitas tinggi (HDL).

Kokaze dkk: Penelitian pada polimorfisme genetik tertentu (Mt5178 C/A) menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi kopi secara positif berkaitan dengan kadar kolesterol LDL serum pada pria Jepang yang memiliki polimorfisme ini.

Onuegbu dan Agbedana: Konsumsi kopi dapat menyebabkan peningkatan kadar kolesterol total dan LDL dalam serum, yang dapat mengubah profil lipid serum dan meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung koroner.

De Lima dkk: Kopi mengandung senyawa seperti cafestol dan kahweol, yang berkaitan dengan dislipidemia. Senyawa-senyawa ini telah diteliti memiliki dampak pada kadar kolesterol.

Rustan dkk: Keberadaan diterpen seperti cafestol dan kahweol dalam kopi rebus telah ditemukan dapat meningkatkan kadar kolesterol serum, khususnya kolesterol LDL.

Kesimpulannya, efek kopi pada kadar kolesterol bergantung pada jenis kopi (dijerang atau disaring), faktor genetik, serta keberadaan senyawa-senyawa tertentu dalam kopi. Meskipun beberapa studi menunjukkan efek merugikan pada kadar kolesterol, yang lain mengindikasikan manfaat kesehatan potensial, terutama dengan kopi yang disaring.

Inauguration of Prof Ford Lumban Gaol

Prof Ford Lumban Gaol was the Vice Chair when I serves as the Chairman of the IEEE Indonesia Section 2013-2015. He & I also co-lead the IEEE Tensymp 2016 in Bali. Then he experienced a lot as a visiting lecture in Russia and Japan. But today, we celebrate his inauguration as a Professor of Computer Science at the Binus University.

Dr Agnes, Prof Ford, Yours Truly — a reunion of 2013’s cabinet of the IEEE Indonesia Section

The inauguration was led by the Rector of Binus University, Dr. Nelly; and also attended by the Chair of the Senate Prof Harjanto Prabowo. Prof Harjanto mentioned that Prof Ford is the one who established Doctorate Program in Computer Science at Binus University.

As usual, the IEEE gang, i.e. the members of the Advisory Board and Executive Committee plus some other IEEE volunteers attended this inauguration as a special participants. Attended today: Prof Endra, Prof Dadang, Dr Wahidin, Dr Agnes, Mr Satriyo, and surely yours truly.

Serendipitously, I also met Dr Indra Utoyo as one of the speech presented, representing a community in Big Data development.

Dr Indra presented the collaborative innovation in Big Data-focused digital development and its influence to the society.

The ceremony was carried out ½ day, and continued by informal meetings & photo sessions.


November — one of the most inspiring months, with its dark season in most populated part of the earth. Darkness, reducing the ability to see with our eyes, but opening our heart wider to see the wisdom of our life, of the universe. And at the first week of November, we celebrate Fountain Pen Day. This year, we celebrate it on November 3rd — just between Nov 2nd and Nov 4th for sure. And the pen I choose today is Montegrappa Harry Potter Series: Ravenclaw!

Montegrappa has produced a special edition fountain pen inspired by the Harry Potter series. I have displayed the Gryffindor design last year (URL). Now proudly I show you the Ravenclaw.

At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, each house has its own unique qualities and values, contributing to the diversity and richness of the Hogwarts student body. In contrast to the other houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin), Ravenclaw stands out for its emphasis on intellectual pursuits and a love of learning.

The unique characteristics of Ravenclaw can be summarised as follows:

  • Intelligence and Wisdom: Ravenclaw house values academic achievement and intelligence. Ravenclaw people are known for their intellectual curiosity, love of learning, and a desire to expand their knowledge.
  • Creativity and Originality: Ravenclaws are often associated with creativity and original thinking. The house encourages people to think outside the box and approach problems with innovative solutions.
  • Wit and Cleverness: Ravenclaws are known for their quick wit and cleverness. They appreciate a sharp mind and the ability to think on one’s feet.
  • Love of Learning: Ravenclaw people have a passion for learning and seek to understand the world around them. The house common room, located in a tower on the west side of Hogwarts, is filled with books and is a quiet place to study and contemplate.
  • Individuality: Ravenclaws often value individuality and independence. They appreciate uniqueness and are accepting of diverse perspectives and ideas.
  • Lack of Prejudice: Unlike some other houses, Ravenclaw is known for its lack of prejudice and acceptance of people from all walks of life, as long as they exhibit the qualities valued by the house.

The most prominent Ravenclaw character at the Harry Potter series is surely Luna Lovegood — a beloved character known for her individuality, kindness, and unwavering belief in the magical and mysterious aspects of the wizarding world. The individuality here includes her distinctive quirky appearance and dreamy expression. Luna is portrayed as open-minded, kind-hearted, and unapologetically herself. She is not easily affected by the opinions of others and remains true to her beliefs and values.

Luna is often considered eccentric by her peers, but she is comfortable in her uniqueness. But her loyalty, bravery, and willingness to fight for what she believes in are evident during the final intense and dangerous confrontation of the series — making her one of the most important character of the story.

Batik Day

Batik Day a.k.a. Hari Batik Nasional is a national observance celebrated in Indonesia on October 2nd each year. The day is dedicated to celebrating the rich cultural heritage and artistry of batik, which is a traditional Indonesian fabric that is created using a wax-resistant dyeing technique. Batik has a long history in Indonesia and holds significant cultural and artistic importance.

On Batik Day, people across Indonesia, including government officials, students, and the general population, including yours truly, often wear batik clothing to celebrate the cultural significance of this traditional art form.

Batik Day was officially designated as a national day in 2009, recognising the importance of batik as an integral part of Indonesia’s cultural heritage. This celebration not only honours the craftsmanship and creativity of batik artisans but also fosters a sense of national pride and unity in Indonesia.

Question: Why do I collect batik designed with the stylisation of birds, instead of other animals?
Anwer: Ravenclaw

Le Petit Prince #3 — Montblanc

As a personal joke, I call it an example of a cognitive dissonance, or specifically on the aspect of cognitions importance — the greater the perceived value of something, the greater the magnitude of the dissonance in the relation. The dissonance on the importance values result sometimes in unpredictable things. An example is the activity of collecting fountain pens (in the 21st century nonetheless). Another example is the cohesion to the books and other artefacts related to Le Petit Prince. That is the reason that I choose this very day to exhibit another, or two other, artefacts from both collections: Montblanc, Le Petit Prince Series of the 3rd Year, in burgundy.

I have also explored my other Montblanc pens collection related to Le Petit Prince:

Obviously, I skip MB The Meisterstück Le Petit Prince #3 on purpose — albeit an inapparent reason.

This Montblanc LPP Series #3 were launched in 2020, with burgundy colour, and with gold nibs (Au 585) carved with The Little Prince cleaning his planet from the sprouts of bad seeds. The Chapter 5 of Le Petit Prince book describes on the little prince’s planet, as on all planets, there were good plants and bad plants, and so of course there were good seeds from the good plants, and bad seeds from the bad plants. But seeds are invisible. They lie dormant hidden deep in the dark of the earth until one of them has the notion it would be a good idea to wake up. This little seed will first have a stretch, then grow slowly, ever so slowly, up towards the sunlight, until at last there it is, a sweet little innocuous twig of a plant. If it is the first shoot on a radish perhaps, or the early sprig of a rose, then it can be left to grow on as it wishes. But if this is a bad plant, you should pull it up at once, the moment you recognise it for what it is. “It’s just a question of self discipline,” the little prince explained later.

I have two size of this excellently designed pen: Le Grand (146 size, above) and the Classique (145 size, below). The Meisterstück 146 is larger and has a slightly thicker barrel compared to the Meisterstück 145. The 146 is often considered a full-sized pen, while the 145 is slightly smaller and more compact. Both have similar nib design, albeit with obviously different size, and consequently different detail. The 146 has an internal piston, while the 145 is equipped with a cartridge.

Having two fountain pens with different size and similar design makes it easier to compare the experience of using these quite standardised pen (in term of size). Since the Meisterstück 146 is larger, it tends to be slightly heavier than the Meisterstück 145. The weight difference is generally not substantial, but some individuals may have a preference for either a lighter or heavier pen. While both pens offer a smooth writing experience, some users find that the larger size of the Meisterstück 146 provides a more comfortable grip and balance. However, this can vary based on personal preference and hand size.

The the previous Le Petit Prince -themed pens, these pens were designed in collaboration with Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Estate. Le Petit Prince, authored by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, is a beloved and timeless literary work that has captivated readers worldwide. Montblanc’s collaboration with the Estate of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry allows them to pay homage to the author and his iconic characters while creating a special connection with literature enthusiasts and fans of Le Petit Prince.

Surely we are all curious that Montblanc released three different pen designs related to Le Petit Prince in three consecutive years. Or four, if the pen released in 2017 to commemorate Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is also counted. But releasing the pens in different colours each year has successfully created a sense of exclusivity and limited edition allure. It can also incentivise collectors to acquire all three pens (at least), appealing to the desire to complete a set or collection. This approach allows Montblanc to tap into the passion and enthusiasm of collectors who seek to possess the entire series. Each new colour or design release also keeps the story and its themes fresh in the minds of fans, fostering a continued connection with the narrative. And this is why I started it with a mention of cognitive dissonance.

Waterman Edson

The Waterman Edson Sapphire is supposed to be a luxurious and highly esteemed writing instrument with a stunning design that captivates from the first glance. It features a deep blue sapphire-coloured lacquer barrel with lustrous silver accents, giving it a refined and sophisticated appearance. The pen’s streamlined shape, sleek clip, and intricate detailing demonstrate the meticulous attention to design that Waterman is renowned for. The overall aesthetic of the pen conveys a sense of prestige and luxury.

The Au750 (18k gold) nib of the Edson Sapphire fountain pen provides a remarkable writing experience. It glides effortlessly across the paper, delivering smooth and consistent lines — at least when it was new. The nib’s fine craftsmanship ensures optimal ink flow, allowing for a controlled and precise writing experience. While the pen may come at a higher price point, its exceptional quality, attention to detail, and apparently distinctive design make it a coveted choice for pen enthusiasts. Edson uses a cartridge-converter filling system.

The story of Waterman pens started in 1884, when Lewis Edson Waterman — an insurance agent from New York City — experienced a significant issue with a fountain pen during a business deal. Frustrated by the pen’s unreliability and leaking, he sought to improve the design and functionality of fountain pens. Waterman developed his own fountain pen prototype; and he received a patent for his first practical fountain pen, which featured a capillary feed system and an ink chamber with a regulated flow.

This innovation eliminated the issues of leakage and inconsistent ink flow that plagued earlier fountain pen designs. Waterman’s fountain pen design gained popularity and recognition for its reliability and smooth writing experience. In 1888, he established the Waterman Pen Company in New York City. The company quickly gained a reputation for producing high-quality writing instruments.

In the early 20th century, Waterman expanded its operations globally, establishing subsidiaries and manufacturing facilities in Europe and Canada. The company’s pens became popular worldwide. As the 20th century wore on, Waterman’s conservatism allowed its younger and more innovative competitors to gain market share — Parker, Sheaffer, and Wahl-Eversharp in particular. By the later 1920s, Waterman was attempting to catch up; it continued to struggle through and beyond World War II before finally shutting down in 1954. Waterman’s French subsidiary, Waterman-JIF (Jules-Isidore Fagard) later Waterman S.A., continued to prosper and eventually absorbed what remained of the American company and its British arm. Today, Waterman is a French brand owned by the Newell Brands group.

Le Petit Prince #4 — Montblanc

Today we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the first publication of The Little Prince. On April 6, 1943, the first edition of the book was published in the United States, featuring illustrations created by the author, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The book tells the story of a young prince who travels from one planet to another, encountering various characters and learning profound life lessons along the way.

The Little Prince was met with immediate critical acclaim and gained a dedicated readership. Despite being initially published in wartime, it managed to capture the hearts of readers around the world with its enchanting storytelling and philosophical themes. It is important to note that the first publication of The Little Prince was in English, not in its original French language. The French edition followed later, published posthumously in 1946.

Since its publication, “The Little Prince” has become one of the most translated and best-selling books in the world, captivating readers of all ages with its poignant exploration of human nature, love, friendship, and the beauty of the imagination. It continues to be celebrated as a literary masterpiece and a cherished work of art.

The mesmerising nib with the rose

For the celebration, I display here a Montblanc Le Petit Prince series that I haven’t previously displayed. It is a special edition! The nib, made from Au750 (18K gold), is delicately engraved with the image of a rose. The rose holds significant symbolism in The Little Prince as it represents the bond between the Prince and his beloved rose. In the story, the rose is a delicate and special flower that teaches the Prince important lessons about love, responsibility, and the complexities of relationships. The rose engraving on the nib of this pen captures this iconic symbol, adding a touch of elegance and meaning to the writing instrument.

Writing with MB LPP Burgundy edition
The starry cap